Decoding Math
Decoding Math is our signature teacher training program structured into a self-paced, online course. It begins with laying groundwork in the science of math, dyscalculia, and math learning disabilities, then moves into effective instructional approaches, tools, and methodology for developing number sense, addition/subtraction, multiplication/division, and fractions, as well as math IEPs, assessments and interventions. Highly recommended for anyone teaching math!
Decoding MathTo use a Purchase Order, fill out the form on our course registration page.
Mathemagical Membership
Mathemagical Membership is an annual or monthly subscription designed to take the next step beyond Decoding Math and provide math educators with the continuous training, comprehensive support, and valuable resources they need to provide effective math instruction and interventions. Let’s do this important work together!
MathemagicalTo use a Purchase Order, fill out the form on our course registration page.
Navigating Number Stories
Navigating Number Stories is an 8-week online course designed to equip educators with research-based strategies and resources for solving word problems. Learn about two highly research-based practices: explicit schema-based instruction and attack strategies. Together these approaches are proven to be powerful for student success in understanding and applying word problem structures. Finally feel confident about teaching word problems!
Number StoriesTo use a Purchase Order, fill out the form on our course registration page.
Decoding Math + Live
Decoding Math + Live starts with the self-paced, online Decoding Math course and adds monthly “live” online classes via Zoom where we will discuss, ask questions, and practice implementing what we’re learning as we work with students throughout the school year. Join Math & Special Education Coach Becky Lord for an online community of support and receive the guidance and resources you need!
Course is eligible for 3 graduate credits.
Decoding Math+LiveTo use a Purchase Order, fill out the form on our course registration page.